boyfriend curious if his insurance will pay for her girlfriend's abortion

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion? 

Unless you have a legally binding agreement with your girlfriend, your health insurance will not cover the costs of her abortion. In fact, most insurance companies are not obligated to cover elective abortions at all. 

But don’t lose heart. If your girlfriend is dealing with an accidental pregnancy, she has options. 

Take a look at what an abortion might cost out-of-pocket and if an abortion alternative might be a better fit financially. 

How Much Does An Abortion Cost?

When it comes to abortion, women have two options: medical or surgical abortion. Several factors will guide which method of abortion will be most effective. These include a woman’s medical history, how far along her pregnancy is, and where the pregnancy is located. 

Medical Abortion

A medical abortion is designed to terminate a pregnancy that is no more than 10 weeks old. Commonly known as the abortion pill, a medical abortion can cost up to $750 without insurance. 

Surgical Abortion 

Surgical abortions are utilized when a pregnancy is more than 10 weeks old and if the pregnancy is located outside the womb. Because it’s a surgical procedure and requires a hospital or clinic visit, a surgical abortion can cost upwards of $3,000. 

Can I Use My Insurance To Help Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

As mentioned above, insurance companies usually reserve coverage for spouses and dependents only. So merely being in a relationship will not qualify your girlfriend for coverage under your insurance. 

If the cost of an abortion puts the procedure out of reach for you and your partner, other pregnancy options are available. 

Exploring Abortion Alternatives 

Crossroads Care Clinic offers no-cost pregnancy resources to support couples experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. In a private, judgment-free environment, couples can explore abortion and other options like adoption and parenting. 

View available appointment times here or simply call 812-506-2737 to schedule a visit. You have nothing to lose and confidence to gain.

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